JOB FOR A COWBOY: Επιστρέφουν ύστερα από 9 χρόνια με νέο video single

9 χρόνια μετά το album “Sun Eater”, οι Job for a Cowboy επιστρέφουν με ένα ολοκαίνουριο single.

Τίτλος του είναι “The Agony Seeping Storm” κι αποτελεί προπομπό του full length τους, που αναμένεται να βγει το 2024, μέσω της Metal Blade Records.

Δείτε παρακάτω το official video του κομματιού:

As above, so below;
As within, so without;
As the universe, so the soul
I find myself infectiously waiting for a glimpse at the dismal sun
But instead, possessed is my shadow from the moonlight as the night begun
My now mutating silhouette, to swell and embody a monolith which seeps agony
It rains a bubbling storm with thousands of eyes agazed, spellbound by its stagnancy
An intoxicating froth spews below its mist, igniting a delicate illumination
The overseers are drugged from a god adrift, from my unforeseen creation
I find myself infectiously waiting for a glimpse at the dismal sun
But instead, possessed is my shadow from the moonlight as the night begun
My now mutating silhouette, to swell and embody a monolith which seeps agony
It rains a bubbling storm with thousands of eyes agazed, spellbound by its stagnancy
The fog enshrouds the sun with a cosmic shame
An ancient faith rebirthed through a patient flame
As above, so below;
As within, so without;
As the universe, so the soul
An intoxicating froth spews below its mist, igniting a delicate illumination
The overseers are drugged from a god adrift, from my unforeseen creation

Jonny Davy – vocals
Al Glassman – guitar
Nick Schendzielos – bass
Tony Sannicandro – guitar