FLOOR JANSEN: Νέο single για την τραγουδίστρια των NIGHTWISH

Η Floor Jansen (Nightwish, ex-After Forever, ex-Revamp), λίγους μήνες μετά το “Fire”, παρουσιάζει το δεύτερο single της ως solo artist.

Τίτλος του είναι “Me Without You” και παρακάτω μπορείτε να ακούσετε το official audio του, ενώ ακολουθούν οι στίχοι του, όπως και τα single “Fire” και “Storm”:

There’s a me without you

In the darkest hour
We’re like fainting flowers
Energy devoured
But you’re holding on

In the loudest silence
We’re like dirt and diamonds
Our words hit like silence
Yet you’re holding on

You can lie to me
You can say we’re meant to be
But no words can ever change the way I feel

I can’t lie to you
‘Cuz I wouldn’t know how to
And I am sorry that it hurts but it’s the truth

There’s a me without you

Let’s just start pretending
‘Cuz we know how this is ending
Nothing left worth mending
So quit holding on

I can’t take this faking
All that’s left is breaking
I must heal the aching
So, one letting go

You can lie to me
You can say we’re meant to be
But no words can ever change the way I feel

I can’t lie to you
‘Cuz I wouldn’t know how to
And I am sorry that it hurts but that’s the truth
There’s a me without you

You can lie to me
You can say we’re meant to be
But no words can ever change the way I feel

I can’t lie to you
‘Cuz I wouldn’t know how to
And I am sorry that it hurts but it’s the truth

There’s a me without you
