Warrel Dane (7/3/1961 – 13/12/2017)
Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες φωνές του metal και μεγάλη επιρροή για πολλούς μουσικούς και metallheads σίγησε για πάντα… Οι NEON DREAMERS (official Greek Nevermore fan club) επιστρέφουν για να αποτίσουν φόρο τιμής στη μνήμη του Wally, σε ένα tribute party γεμάτο με τη μουσική του.
Live set από τους Bigus Dickus, και dj set με τους Antonis Souvatzis και Jon Voyager!
One of metal’s greatest voices, a great inspiration for musicians and metallheads alike, will sing no more… NEON DREAMERS return to pay tribute to Wally, with a party in memory of his life and music.
His legacy will be celebrated with a live set by Bigus Dickus -Hard As A Rock- covering machine + guest singers, followed by dj sets by Antonis Souvatzis and Jon Voyager.
Entrance: 5€
Neon Dreamers fan club was founded by a bunch of crazy kids in 2001 in Athens, Greece. They stayed active until 2006, carrying a lot of memories in their luggage from the club’s parties with the band and other fans.